FSG Soft Wax

Quick-acting filler for scratches or deeper damages

Quick-acting filler for scratches or deeper damages

4 cm bars, 8 cm bars
730 colours available

Damaged area has to be clean, dry and free from grease (surface can be cleaned with plastic cleaner). Remove loose parts before touch-up. Choose the right colour to the surface. Colour the edges of the damage with a Colour Edging Pen. Fill in the wax by using a spatula – the damaged area has to be congested. Strip the overlapping by using the grooves of the scraper. Shadings can be created by using various colours. For recreating the grains on wooden surfaces, you can use the Felt Dye Grain Pens. Remove surplus material by using wire wool (use with soft pressure). To prevent dusk, use a Spray Lacquer transparent to seal the surface – Choose from 6 different shades.

Surfaces: Wooden surfaces, decor surfaces, metal

Easy usage

For indoor use